Please Make a Donation TodayWe donate to ministries that are serving God by giving of our time, our prayers, our attention, and our substance. Please remember this ministry in your prayers and tell others of the ways in which this ministry has been an asset to you. If you would like to contribute financially to any of the ministries sponsored on this web site, please notify us by email (below) or send contributions to Bonnie Meadows, 6800 Westgate Blvd. #132-105, Austin, TX 78745. Make checks payable to Christ Covenant Int'l Ministries. We are requesting contributions, pledges of future contributions and financial endowments. Christ Covenant International Ministries sponsors the following ministries: Christ Covenant International MinistriesNetwork for Pilgrims web siteWorld Christians in America
Network 4 Pilgrims/Christ Covenant Int'l Ministries